Thursday, August 18, 2005

Randall Thieben - Videographer

Randall Thieben - Videographer: "Having produced many video news releases (VNRs) over the past two years, I thought we would share with you what my experience has shown to insure success for your latest VNR.

1. Make sure your event is newsworthy. There is no guarantee that a station will air your VNR just because you provide them some video. Your VNR must have a significant amount of interest to the general public, not just a limited few.
2. Schedule your event in the morning or early afternoon. This will insure that the video crew and producer have enough time to cover the event, edit the highlights and deliver the copies to the stations in time for airing on the heavily-watched early evening newscast. Evening shoots may make air, but might only make the late evening or early morning newscast."


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